O Congresso é o principal evento científico da área no mundo e foi promovido pela Organização Internacional da Vinha e do Vinho (OIV). De fato, este congresso, que reunirá quase 600 participantes, com mais de 170 apresentações orais e 300 pôsteres, permitirá que pesquisadores, especialistas, produtores e formuladores de políticas de 23 países troquem, discutam e compartilhem seus conhecimentos ao longo de um semana. O evento ocorrerá nos dias 9 e 14 de novembro 2014, Mendoza, Argentina. O tema geral desta edição foi “Vitivinicultura do Sul, uma confluência de conhecimento e natureza”. Confira a seguir alguns dos trabalhos apresentados pelos discentes do Grupo de Pesquisa NEPE² e as respectivas autorias:
Apresentações Orais:
Ângela Pereira Dachi, Laureane Rangel Mathias, Sabrine Maria Ferreira, Fernanda Severo Dall'asta, Alberto Eduardo Knies, Juan Saavedra Del Aguila
UNIPAMPA - Universidade Federal do Pampa, Brazil, juanaguila@unipampa.edu.br
The cultivar Cabernet Sauvignon Ink for presenting difficulty and irregularity in sprouting was chosen to test the mineral oil in an attempt to meet the need for an alternative product that has similar results of hydrogen cyanamide in breaking dormancy in vines, and that does not cause harm to health and the environment. The objective of this experiment was to evaluate the effect of hydrogen cyanamide and mineral oil in breaking dormancy, sprouting and ripening cultivar Cabernet Sauvignon in the Region of Campanha - Brazil. The research was conducted in the vineyard of Cabernet Sauvignon, Italian clone R5 and rootstock SO4 deployed in 2000 and conducted in cordon on private property in the Municipality of Dom Pedrito - RS - Brazil. The experimental design was a randomized block design using four replications, each with five plants totaling twenty plants per treatment. In late winter 2013 and after drought pruning spraying in the yolks were performed: T1 - distilled water (control); T2 - 1.5% hydrogen cyanamide; T3 - 3.0% hydrogen cyanamide; T4 - 4.5% hydrogen cyanamide; T5 - 6.0% hydrogen cyanamide; T6 - 1.0% mineral oil; T7 - 1.5% hydrogen cyanamide + 1.0% mineral oil; T8 - 3.0% hydrogen cyanamide + 1.0% mineral oil; T9 - 4.5% hydrogen cyanamide + 1.0% and mineral oil; T10 - 6.0% hydrogen cyanamide + 1.0% mineral oil. Was evaluated in the field: the number of sprouted buds and the number of bunches per treatment; and in the laboratory: the maturation of grapes, made weekly from the color change, 30 berries per treatment for analysis of soluble solids content - SS (Brix), pH and titratable acidity -TA (% tartaric acid). It was observed that the vines of T4 (4.5% hydrogen cyanamide), T3 (3.0% hydrogen cyanamide) and T9 treatments (4.5% hydrogen cyanamide + 1.0% mineral oil), showed highest percentage of bud break, these being 56.4%, 55.4% and 55.2%, respectively. Vines T3 also had the highest number of bunches per treatment. The results obtained in the laboratory to SS, pH and TA were not statistically different for the ten treatments, with some variations in periods of greater precipitation. The plants that received doses of 3.0% and 4.5% hydrogen cyanamide were found the highest percentages of sprouted buds, the treatments with the presence of mineral oil had no significant effect on budding. Regarding the analysis of maturation, both the presence of hydrogen cyanamide, as the mineral oil did not influence the quality of the grapes.
Jessicka Fernanda Lopes De Camargo Cham, Fabiane Corrêa De Almeida, Bruna Lais Hamm, Laureane Rangel Mathias, Juan Saavedra Del Aguila
Universidade Federal do Pampa (UNIPAMPA), Brazil, juanaguila@unipampa.edu.br
Although Brazil is the third largest producer of fruits in the world, with nearly 40 million tons a year, much of this production has high rates of post-harvest losses, estimated at 40% in the country. These losses occur due to numerous factors mechanical, biological, microbiological, chemical, physical and others. These losses occur due to numerous factors mechanical, biological, microbiological, chemical, physical and others. The exogenous application of phytohormones such as gibberellic acid (GA) is known to slow down the metabolic processes responsible for aging of the tissues of the fruit, which keeps firmness and its good looks. The use of 1-MCP is known to block the action of ethylene, but there are not many studies of its use in table grape Rubi; on the other hand cooling at temperatures below 20 ° C also helps to reduce the action of ethylene in the fruit senescence associated processes. In this context, it was aimed to evaluate the effect of differents plant growth regulators on postharvest grape Rubi. The experiment was conducted by the Center for Study, Research and Extension in Oenology (NEPE ²) of UNIPAMPA - Dom Pedrito Campus; were used grapes of cv. Ruby, derived from the city of Canguçu-RS. The treatments were: T1: distilled water (control), T2: 500 ppb of 1- methylcyclopropene (1-MCP), T3: 10 ppm of gibberellic acid (GA) and T4: 100 ppm of ethylene (C2H4). After the treatments, the fruits were stored at 18ºC, and the evaluations occurred at the beginning of the experiment (characterization - day zero) and, on the 7th and 14th day of experimentation. The design was completely randomized with 4 treatments and 3 replicates per treatment, and each replicate consisted of 2 kg of grapes. Were evaluated: browning of the stem and dehydration of the stem; total soluble solids - TSS - (º Brix); loss of fresh bunch weight (%); pH (acidity partial); titratable acidity - AT (% of tartaric acid); "Ratio" (SS / TA); and percentage of abscission of berries. In relation to the rot incidence, the fruit of T1 (control) and T4 (C2H4) were those that had significantly higher averages. In browning index of the stem, it was found that T4 (C2H4), followed by T3 (GA) had the highest rates after 14 days of storage. The loss of fresh bunch weigh of the fruits in all the treatments until day 7 did not differ statistically. The TSS (° Brix) - an indirect measure of the sugar content in fruits were higher in treatments T3 (GA) and T4 (C2H4), however the fruits of T2 (1-MCP) were significantly lower than the other treatments, with less increase of sugars during the 14 days of storage. This trend of increasing TSS is probably due to the concentration of solids because of the loss of fresh fruit weight. In browning index of the stem, it was found that T4 (C2H4), followed by T3 (GA) had the highest rates after 14 days of storage. The loss of fresh bunch weigh of the fruits in all the treatments until day 7 did not differ statistically. The TSS (° Brix) - an indirect measure of the sugar content in fruits were higher in treatments T3 (GA) and T4 (C2H4), however the fruits of T2 (1-MCP) were significantly lower than the other treatments, with less increase of sugars during the 14 days of storage. This trend of increasing TSS is probably due to the concentration of solids due to the loss of fresh fruit weight. The pH of the fruits of all treatments, as well as the "ratio", showed no significant differences throughout the experiment. In the dehydration of the peduncle, treatment T2 (1-MCP) got losses significantly lower than other treatments. The evaluation of abscission of berries of all treatments showed no statistical significant differences between them. As for the evaluation of titratable acidity, only the T1 (control) had reduced its acidity and T2, T3 and T4 treatments showed no statistical differences between them. It is concluded that 1-MCP and the GA can assist in maintaining postharvest quality of table grapes Rubi.
Utilizadas para consumo “in natura” o hasta mismo como decoración, las uvas de mesa deben presentar características que aseguren el interés de compra del consumidor. Dentro de estas características están principalmente: bayas grandes y uniformes, con pulpa firme, consistencia crocante, con película y raquis resistentes. Es importante también que haya buena adherencia y resistencia a la separación de la baya del pedicelo. Mediante las necesidades apuntadas, el presente trabajo tuvo como objetivo evaluar la acción de reguladores vegetales en la conservación post-cosecha de uvas finas de mesa del cultivar Itália. Las uvas fueron cosechadas en un viñedo comercial de la ciudad de Canguçu, RS, Brasil y cuidadosamente transportada para la Universidad. El experimento fue desarrollado por el Núcleo de Estudio, Investigación y Extensión en Enología (NEPE²), de la Universidad Federal del Pampa (UNIPAMPA) – Campo Don Pedrito, Curso de Bacharel en Enología. VITICULTURE SECTION ORAL & SHORT Book of abstracts |38 Los tratamientos fueron: T1 - agua destilada (testigo); T2 - 500 ppb de 1-metilciclopropeno [1-MCP (12 h a 20°C)]; T3 – 10 µM de ácido salicílico y; T4 – 100 ppm de etileno. Las evaluaciones fueron realizadas en el día de la cosecha (caracterización – día cero) y, a los 7 y 14 días de almacenamiento controlado a 18°C. El delineamiento utilizado fue enteramente casualizado, siendo que cada tratamiento tuvo 3 repeticiones, y cada repetición fue constituido de 3 racimos (aproximadamente 2 kg). Se utilizó métodos de laboratorio y el equipamiento WineScan™, se evaluó: índice de oscurecimiento del raquis, pérdida de masa fresca del racimo, porcentaje de abscisión de bayas, incidencia de podredumbres, sólidos solubles totales – SS (°Brix), porcentaje de deshidratación del raquis, acidez total titulable – AT (% ácido tartárico), ácido glucónico, “ratio” (SS/AT) y densidad. Se observó menor grado de oscurecimiento del raquis en el tratamiento testigo (T1), y mayor en los T3 y T4. Cuanto a la pérdida de masa fresca del racimo, el T1 durante los 14 días del experimento fue el que presento menor pérdida; por otro lado, los tratamientos T2 y T4 tuvieron pérdidas significativas al final del experimento. La abscisión de bayas fue menor en las uvas tratadas con aplicación de 10 uM de ácido salicílico (T3). Ya la incidencia de podredumbre fue menor en las uvas del tratamiento testigo (T1), pero, el tratamiento con etileno (T4) fue el que presento mayor incidencia de podredumbre. Los SS tuvieron un aumento a lo largo del almacenamiento, sin presentar diferencias significativas entre los tratamientos, este aumento de SS se debe probablemente a la concentración de los sólidos solubles por la pérdida de agua. La porcentaje de deshidratación del raquis fue menor en el tratamiento testigo (T1) y en el tratamiento con aplicación de 10 uM de ácido salicílico (T3). La AT disminuyó en todos los tratamientos, no habiendo diferencias significativas entre estos a lo largo del experimento. La presencia de ácido glucónico, considerado un indicador de podredumbre de la uva se mostró en mayor cantidad en las uvas de los tratamientos (T1) y (T4), confirmando los resultados obtenidos anteriormente por la variable incidencia de podredumbres. La relación entre azúcar y acidez conocido como “ratio”, se mostró mayor en las uvas del T2, pero todos los tratamientos presentaron aumento a lo largo de los 14 días del experimento. La densidad tuvo un aumento significativo en el tratamiento T4 al 7° día. Sin embargo, hubo una reducción en la densidad de todos los tratamientos hasta el fin del experimento (14° día). Se concluye que la aplicación de 10 µM de ácido salicílico en la post-cosecha de uvas finas de mesa ‘Itália’, puede ayudar en una menor abscisión de bayas y menor deshidratación del raquis, pudiendo prolongar la vida útil de estante de estas uvas.
Bruna Laís Hamm, Fabiane Corrêa De Almeida, Jéssicka Fernanda Lopes De Camargo Cham, Ângela Pereira Dachi, Lília Sichmann Heiffig Del Aguila, Juan Saavedra Del Aguila
Universidade Federal do Pampa, Brazil, juanaguila@unipampa.edu.br
The grape has breathing pattern of a non-climacteric fruit, which means that this fruit does not ripen after being harvested, it is for this reason that sesugere harvesting table grapes with soluble solids of at least 14 º Brix, ensuring its quality. On the VITICULTURE SECTION ORAL & SHORT Book of abstracts |41 other hand, the plant hormone ethylene (C2H4) also influences the post-harvest non-climacteric fruit, therefore the management of production (biosynthesis) and ethylene effect (action) during post-harvest grapes is critical to ensure the quality of the grapes on the consumer's table. Within the plant regulators that have the provision to manage the market ethylene, gibberellic acids have the esalicílico, as the first inhibitor of ethylene and the second to be related to reduction of ACC oxidase, the ethylene forming enzyme activity. With the objective of evaluating the effect of different plant growth regulators on postharvest grape 'Italy', the present work with grapes 'Italy' Canguçu city, RS, Brazil was developed by the Center for Studies and Research in Enology ( NEPE ²) of UNIPAMPA - Campus Dom Pedrito. We used grapes 'Italy' City Canguçu, RS, Brazil. The treatments were: T1 = distilled water (control); T2 = 10 ppm gibberellic acid (GA) T3 = 10 mM of salicylic acid; T4 = 500 ppb C2H4. After treatment, the fruits were stored for 14 days at 18 º C, and the evaluations were performed on the day of harvest (characterization - day zero) and, on the 7th and 14th day of storage controlled. The evaluations were performed by laboratory methods and use of equipment WineScan ™. The variables analyzed were: incidence of rot, total soluble solids - SS (º Brix), titratable acidity - AT (% of tartaric acid), dehydration from the stalk, loss of weight, "ratio" (SS / TA) browning of rachis, berry abscission, reducing sugars and absorbance at 420nm. The incidence of rot was an increase among all treatments during the 14 days of experiment, however, showed a lower content in grapes treated with gibberellic acid (T2). The control treatment (T1) and treatment with gibberellic acid (T2), had a lower percentage of dehydration from the stalk, compared to other treatments. Regarding the loss of weight of the bunch, the control treatment (T1) had lower losses over the 14 days. At seven days of the experiment the "ratio" was higher in the treatments (T1) and (T2), while queos treatments with salicylic acid (T3) ethylene (T4), had a considerable elevaçãoaos 14 days of experimentation, surpassing the rate of processing ( T1) and (T2). The browning index was lower stems of grapes in the control treatment (T1), although, gibberellic acid (T2) has also shown a relatively low rate compared to other treatments. The gibberellic acid had the lowest percentage of abscission of berries throughout the experiment. At 7 days OSSs, were significantly lower in the grapes of treatment (T3), as compared to other treatments, however, after 14 days of storage, showed the highest content of soluble solids, followed by ethylene also showed a content high. In the analysis of reducing sugars, the T1 showed the highest content among treatments during the first 7 days of the experiment, however, at 14 days showed the lowest level, staying well below the levels found in grapes treated with ethylene. The absorbance at 420nm analyzed in WineScan ™, which represents the intensity of the yellow color in the must, equipment has dropped throughout the experiment, demonstrating the degradation of color.
Rodinaldo Severo Goularte, Fernanda Severo Dallasta, Laureane Rangel Mathias, Sabrine Maria Ferreira, Juan Saavedra Del Aguila
Unipampa, Brazil, juanaguila@unipampa.edu.br
The use of chemical agents, aiming at maximizing bud break and flowering synchronization, is a widespread management practice. Several chemicals, including growth regulators and nutritional components have been used for overcoming the bud dormancy. The hydrogen cyanamide (H2 CN2) has characteristics of growth regulator for different fruit species, by modifying the dormancy period and stimulating an early sprouting. Currently, it has sought alternatives to conventional agrotoxics, such as mineral oil, which is effective in combating the etiological agents of diseases and has shown to be promising in breaking bud dormancy in some fruits. The aim of this study was to determine how the differences in dosages in the application of hydrogen cyanamide (Dormex®), mineral oil and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) directly affect the development of cuttings of the rootstock 'SO4'. This work was developed by the Center for Study, Research and Extension in Oenology (NEPE ²), and the cuttings of 'SO4' came from a rural property in the city of Dom Pedrito - RS, Brazil. The cuttings standardized to 1 cm in diameter and 2 gems were transported to the greenhouses of UNIPAMPA - Campus Dom Pedrito, where the experiment was performed in blocks with 11 treatments and 4 replications. After application of auxin, by immersion of the cuttings base for 35 s in indoleacetic acid, the cuttings were planted in perforated bags containing substrate (1/3 of sand + 1/3 of carbonized rice husk + 1/3 of soil ). The treatments were: T1 = distilled water (control); T2 = 1.5% Dormex®; T3 = 3% of Dormex®; T4 = 4.5% of Dormex®; T5 = 6% of Dormex®; T6 = 1% in mineral oil; T7 = 1.5% Dormex® + 1% mineral oil; T8 = 3% ± 1% Dormex® of mineral oil; T9 = 4.5% of Dormex® + 1% mineral oil; T10 = 6% Dormex® + 1% of mineral oil and T11 = 10% hydrogen peroxide (H2O2). The applications of treatments in the free bud, were made at the nearest bud to the upper level of the substrate. After 5 months from the beginning of the experiment, were evaluated: percentage of rooting, sprouting and survival, percentage of the dry mass of shoot and root, root length and higher shoot, and the number of sprouted buds. The percentage of rooting of cuttings of T4 to the T11 treatments proved superior to the stakes of T1 to T3 treatments; the same occurred for survival, showing an average 90% of rooting and survival in almost all treatments, only the stakes T10 showed 100% rooting. The number of sprouted buds was similar to the percentage of sprouting, where T5, T6, T9, T10 and T11 treatments showed 85-100% of sprouting. The percentage of root dry mass of T4 excelled over other treatments presenting 61% of root biomass. The percentage of dry weight of shoots showed similar results among all the treatments, with percentages varying from 63.0% to 66.7%. About the root length, with the exception of T2, which showed 16.22 cm, the others treatments were in average of 25 cm long. As for the length of the longest sprout, T10 cuttings were significantly superior to other treatments. Considering that mineral oil and hydrogen peroxide showed similar results to the Dormex® when applied separately, it is suggested to conduct more basic research to prove or not this physiological behavior.
Eveline Martins Vargas, Laureane Rangel Mathias, Sabrine Maria Ferreira, Angela Pereira Dachi, Alexandra Pretto, Juan Saavedra Del Aguila
Universidade Federal do Pampa (UNIPAMPA), Brazil, juanaguila@unipampa.edu.br
The root formation is influenced by factors such as physiological conditions, position of cuttings and environmental conditions, one can also say that the cuttings behave differently depending on the region where the branch is collected. Auxins are plant hormones important fundamental in cell elongation. One of the main synthetic auxin on rooting of plants is indole acetic acid (IAA) which exhibits high activity . Ethylene is another plant hormone that acts in the development and physiology of plants and also induces the formation of adventitious roots. Some research indicates that the use of plant growth regulators helps in better utilization of plant material and also an effective root development of the vine cuttings. ‘Chardonnay’ vine cuttings were used to study the interaction of hormones or not the model. The present study aimed to test the potential of rooting the ‘Chardonnay’ vine, with the use of plant growth regulators (auxin and ethylene). The study was conducted by the Core for Study, Research and Extension in Enology (NEPE ²) of University Federal of Pampa (UNIPAMPA) - Campus Dom Pedrito, Bachelor of Oenology Course. The cuttings were collected in winter in a particular vineyard in the town of Dom Pedrito, RS, Brazil. The experiment was conducted in a greenhouse, using randomized blocks completely with 4 treatments, each block consisting of 20 cuttings, totaling 4 blocks per treatment (80 cuttings of the cultivar Chardonnay by treatment), treatments were: T1 = immersion in distilled water for 35 s (control); T2 = immersion in auxin (1000 ppm) for 35 s; T3 = immersion in Ethrel® (4000 ppm) for 35 s and; T4 = immersion in auxin + ethylene (5000 ppm) for 35 s. After treatments, the cuttings were planted in plastic bags stuck in the base, using as a substrate 33.3% of sand, 33.3% of compost and 33.3% of earth. The evaluations were performed after 5 months of implementation of the experiment, survival was assessed, the percentage of rooted cuttings, percentage of sprouting, the primary root length, length of the largest shoot, percentage of dry mass of root, and dry weight of shoot. The percentage of survival was higher in T3 93.75% relative to T2, the sprouting percentage was higher in the T3 73.33% relative to T4 and 93.33% higher than T1. In rooting percentage T1 and T3 obtain the same result, being higher than in T4 25% and with 5% in T2. At length greater bud T3 was higher 50.03% relative to T2. In the comparison of the mean length of root the T4 was higher 73.43% relative to T2. The percentage of dry matter of root in T2 was higher 90% relative to (T1). The percentage of the dry mass of the shoot in T4 was higher 77.94% relative to T2. With this work we observed that treatment with ethylene was effective in rooting in 80% and was also higher than in most other variables evaluated responses. Treatment with auxin not achieved many significant results, except for the variable percentage of dry matter of root. We conclude from cutting 'Chardonnay' vine the application of the hormone ethylene positively support the physiological processes of rooting.
Laureane Rangel Mathias, Sabrine Maria Ferreira, Eveline Martins Vargas, Angela Pereira Dachi, Lília Sichmann Heiffig Del Aguila, Juan Saavedra Del Aguila
Universidade Federal do Pampa (UNIPAMPA), Brazil, juanaguila@unipampa.edu.br
The cultivar is one of SO4 rootstocks used in most of the Gaucho Campania Region, especially in places that have sandy. Este soils rootstock is propagated commercially by cutting, using plant growth regulators (auxins) to assist in rooting. Auxins are known to be an important hormone related to cell elongation. The indole acetic acid (IAA) is an auxin with a production capacity of secondary roots. Ethylene is another plant hormone that acts at low concentrations, participating throughout the development of plants; commercially used as 2 - chloroethyl phosphonic acid (etephon) acid, the active ingredient of the commercial product Etrhel ®, this acid in contact with the plant cell, it releases ethylene. This study aimed to evaluate the use of auxin and ethylene, alone or in combination, on the rooting of the rootstock 'SO4' process. The study was conducted by the Core for Study, Research and Extension in Enology (NEPE²), of the Federal University of Pampa (UNIPAMPA) - Bachelor of Oenology - Campus Dom Pedrito, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil; the cuttings of 'SO4' came from an estate of Dom Pedrito - RS; the stakes were standardized with 2 yolks and 1 cm thick. The experimental design was a randomized complete block with 4 treatments: T1 = immersion in a solution of distilled water for 35 s (control); T2 = immersion in a solution of auxin for 35 s (1000 ppm); T3 = immersion in a solution of 2 - chloroethyl phosphonic acid for 35 s (2880 ppm) and; T4 = Immersion solution Auxin + 2 -chloroethyl phosphonic acid for 35 s (3880 ppm ); each treatment had 4 replicates, each being composed of 12 stakes totalling 48 cuttings per treatment. After treatments, the cuttings were planted in black plastic bags stuck in the base (15.5 cm x 14.8 cm wide x 9 cm deep) filled with substrate (1/3 sand + 1/3 + 1 compost + 1/3 land). After five months in the greenhouse, were evaluated: length of roots and shoots, rooting percentage, survival percentage, percentage of dry weight of shoot and root parts. Cuttings of T1 (control) despite having the lowest root length (23.19 cm) and the lowest rooting percentage (85.42 %) had the second highest rate of root dry weight (36.61 %). Moreover, the stakes of the T2 (auxin) presented higher root length (27.07 cm) and the best rooting percentage (89.59 %), and had the lowest percentage of dry weight of shoots (46.57 %). The cuttings submitted to T3 (ethylene) had the second lowest root length (24.50 cm) and rooting percentage (85.42 %), but the roots had a higher percentage of dry matter (37.84%). Have piles of T4 (auxin + ethylene) showed the best rooting percentage (93.75 %) and the second largest root length (25.46 cm), however with the lowest root dry mass (33.56 %). We conclude that the immersion of the base of the cuttings in the plant hormone ethylene at the time of planting, can help produce rootstocks 'SO4' with highest percentage of root dry weight, which can aid in increased survival of seedlings in the final field.
Sabrine Maria Ferreira, Eveline Martins Vargas, Laureane Rangel Mathias, Angela Pereira Dachi, Jansen Moreira Silveira, Juan Saavedra Del Aguila
Universidade Federal do Pampa (UNIPAMPA), Brazil, juanaguila@unipampa.edu.br
The positive effect of auxin on the rooting process is known, however, its interaction with other plant hormones such as ethylene, in the same physiological effect of root formation is still unknown. In this sense, it is used as a physiological study of vine cuttings 'Cabernet Sauvignon' model, aiming to evaluate the effect of auxin and ethylene, applied in isolation and in combination, in the same root formation. The research was conducted by the Core for Study, Research and Extension in Enology (NEPE ²) of University Federal of Pampa (UNIPAMPA) - Campus Dom Pedrito, Bachelor of Oenology Course, RS, Brazil; the cuttings were obtained from a farmer in the area of Dom Pedrito and carefully transported to the greenhouse UNIPAMPA. Was standardized cuttings with two buds and 1 cm thick, and the treatments were: T1 = immersed in distilled water for 35 s (control), T2 = immersion in 1000 ppm indolylacetic acid (IAA) for 35 s, T3 = immersion in 4000 ppm Ethrel ® is for 35, T4 = immersion in EIA + Ethrel ® for 35 s (5000 ppm). The experimental design was a randomized complete block with four replications, and each replication contained 20 stakes totaling 80 cuttings per treatment. After the treatments, the cuttings were planted in plastic bags (15.5 cm x 14.8 cm wide x 9 cm deep) filled with substrate (1/3 sand, 1/3 compost and third ground). After 5 months of experiment evaluated: survival rate, rooting percentage, percentage of sprouting, root length, shoot length and higher, percentage of the dry weight of shoot and root. The stakes got higher means of T3 in VITICULTURE SECTION POSTER Book of abstracts |385 relation to rooting percentage, 20% more than the control treatment (T1), 40% more than the T2 and 35% more than the T4. With respect to the length of the longest sprout cuttings T3 16.3% had more than T1, more than 30.4% T2, and 28.8% higher than T4. The variable response of root length, the treatments were not significantly different throughout the experiment. As regards the survival and plantlet control treatment (T1) was obtained in 70% both variable T2 sprouted 60% of them, but surviving 50% of cuttings, which proves that the physiological effects of sprouting and rooting are independent of itself; in T3, the stakes had 90% survival and sprouting, being significantly higher than others, since the T4 obtained cuttings with 50% survival and 55% sprouting. As for the dry mass of shoots and roots, cuttings T3, obtained significantly higher means than the other treatments. From the results obtained, it can be concluded that the plant hormone ethylene (C2H4) and auxin (indolylacetic acid), participates in the process of rooting of grapevine 'Cabernet Sauvignon', however is not positive interaction of these hormones.