O Congresso é o principal evento científico da área no mundo e foi promovido pela Organização Internacional da Vinha e do Vinho (OIV). O evento ocorrerá nos dias 6 e 10 de novembro 2015, Mainz, na Alemanha. O tema geral desta edição foi a redução do uso de defensivos agrícolas e as implicações à vitivinicultura local e mundial a partir das mudanças climáticas. O primeiro painel de apresentações teve como tema “Vinho com moderação”, analisando as questões de publicidade e mercado. As relações culturais do vinho com os territórios e as implicações sócio-econômicas da vitivinicultura foram tema de apresentações subsequentes. Durante a semana serão apresentados trabalhos científicos nas áreas de economia e direito, viticultura, enologia, segurança alimentar e saúde.
Confira a seguir alguns dos trabalhos apresentados pelos discentes do Grupo de Pesquisa NEPE² e as respectivas autorias:
Apresentações Orais:
JUAN SAAVEDRA DEL AGUILA, Bruna Laís Hamm, Fabiane Corrêa de Almeida, Jéssicka Fernanda Lopes de Camargo Cham, Marcos Gabbardo, Lília S. Heiffig - del Aguila
Embrapa Clima Temperado, Brasil, lilia.sichmann@embrapa.br
The grape has breathing pattern of a non-climacteric fruit, which means that this fruit does not ripen after being harvested, is for this reason that we suggest spoon table grapes with soluble solids at least 14ºBrix, ensuring the quality of it. On the other hand, the plant hormone ethylene (C2H4) also influences the post-harvest of non-climacteric fruit, therefore the management of production (biosynthesis) and ethylene effect (action) along the grape post-harvest is critical to ensure the quality of the grapes on the consumer's table. Within the plant growth regulators that have the provision on the market to manage ethylene, have the auxin and 1-methylcyclopropene (1-MCP), the first as ethylene antagonist and the second because it is related to the reduction of ethylene action, by binding irreversibly to ethylene membrane receptor in the plant cell. In order to evaluate the effect of different plant growth regulators in post-harvest grape 'Elegante Rosa', this study was developed by the Center for Studies and Research in Enology (NEPE²) of UNIPAMPA - Campus Dom Pedrito in the city of Canguçu, RS, Brazil. The treatments were: T1 = distilled water (control); T2 = 500 ppb 1-MCP (12 h at 20ºC); T3 = 10 ppm of indole acetic acid (IAA) and; T4 = 100 ppm C2H4. After the treatment, the fruits were stored for 14 days at 18°C, and the evaluations were performed on the day of harvest (characterization - day zero) and at 7 and 14 controlled storage day. The evaluations were performed through the WineScan™ equipment. The variables analyzed were: total soluble solids - SS (°Brix), total titratable acidity - ATT (% tartaric acid), reducing sugars and absorbance at 420nm. At 7 days the SS, were statistically equal for all treatments, however, after 14 days of storage, the grapes of treatment T4 (ethylene) and T3 (auxin) were significantly higher than those fruits of treatments T1 (control) and T2 (1-MCP). ATT increased throughout the experiment for all treatments, with no differences between them. In the analysis of reducing sugars during the first seven days of trial, we obtained an increase of these sugars in all treatments, however, at 14 days of controlled storage, the fruits of the treatments T4 (ethylene) and T3 (auxin) had levels significantly higher reducing sugars that the fruits of treatments T2 (1-MCP) and T1 (control). The absorbance at 420nm, which represents the intensity of the yellow color in the must, in general for all treatments, had a fall during the experiment, demonstrating the degradation of color.