O Congresso é o principal evento científico da área no mundo e foi promovido pela Organização Internacional da Vinha e do Vinho (OIV), entidade que reúne 46 países membros. É a primeira vez que o Brasil sedia o evento, que contou com mais de 400 participantes de 32 países. O evento será realizado entre os dias 24 a 28 de outubro de 2016, em Bento Gonçalves – RS. O tema geral desta edição foi “Vitivinicultura: avanços tecnológicos frente aos desafios do mercado”. Confira a seguir alguns dos trabalhos apresentados pelos discentes do Grupo de Pesquisa NEPE² e as respectivas autorias:
Apresentação Oral:
Total Chlorophyll and Growth of Grape Rootstock ‘SO4' In Answer to Electrical Stimuli;
Gabriela Victoria Jardim, Elizeu Nogueira Fernandes, Juan Saavedra Del Aguila. Universidade Federal do Pampa (UNIPAMPA) - Campus Dom Pedrito, Brazil, gabs.jardim@hotmail.com
When comparing mechanisms like illness defences, reproduction and functioning of biological cycles, the similarities between animals and plants become evident, it can also be observed that in plants there is a grand part of chemistry from the neuromotor system found also in animals, and that is because both of them had inherited this ability from the same evolutionary antecedent, bacteria. Certain similarities allows the use of electrotherapeutic principles for obtain responses in plants. In plants fast and slow electrical signals are observed, acting directly in their communication and mechanisms. Aiming electrical stimulation, used in electrotherapy, the experiment aimed to analyze the effects relative to the total chlorophyll and growth of the rootstock ‘SO4' when subjected to electrical stimulus. The experiment was conducted by the Study Center and Research in Oenology (NEPE²) in the greenhouse at the Federal University of Pampa (UNIPAMPA ) – “Campus Dom Pedrito”. An apparatus was adapted to function as an energized capacitor, that way, a 0,02mA discharge occurs when backboard its two poles (positive and negative) on the vine. The electric current is alternating solid and was measured by a digital voltmeter. A continuity key was also used to certify that the electric current passed through the plant. The experiment was done in rootstocks ‘SO4', obtained in a property located in the city of “Dom Pedrito” (RS). The lower third of stakes were immersed in 5ppm of auxin hormone for 10 seconds and then planted. It was selected 4 treatments with 4 repetitions, each repetition with 7 seedlings. The first treatment (T1), to control, it's kept without being subjected to any electric discharge, the second one (T2) receives an electric discharge for 5 seconds, followed by the third (T3) and fourth (T4) treatments receiving an discharge by 9 and 18 seconds, respectively. The analyses were performed using a chlorophyll meter and a graduated rule in centimetres. The application of treatments and analyses were done once a week for 12 weeks. Data were analysed by analysis of variance (ANOVA) and when it was necessary the measures were compared by the measures comparison Turkey test with 5% probability. It was noted that the stakes of T3 (the treatment with 0,02mA discharges for 9 seconds), in relation to height, in the twelfth week, were significantly higher than the stakes with no electrical discharge (T1). The T4 stakes (the treatment with 0,02mA discharges for 18 seconds) were significantly superior in total chlorophyll content, followed by stake T3. It was concluded preliminarily that there is a trend of higher growth and higher chlorophyll content of the rootstock ‘SO4' when subjected to electrical discharges of 0,02mA in periods of 9 and 18 seconds.
Acknowledgements: Ao vintner, Mr. Adair Camponogara.
Ethylene Pre-Harvest Application in 'Cabernet Sauvignon' Produced in the Region of “Dom Pedrito” – RS;
Jansen Moreira Silveira, Elizeu Nogueira Fernandes, Bruna Laís Hamm, Willian dos Santos Triches, Daniel Pazzini Eckhardt, Juan Saavedra Del Aguila.
Universidade Federal do Pampa (UNIPAMPA) - Campus Dom Pedrito, Brazil, jansenmsilveira@gmail.com
Ethylene is a gaseous plant hormone that acts primarily on fruit ripening and is widely used in agriculture. Plant hormones are produced in specific tissues of plants and are transported, or not, to other parts which trigger physiological responses important to the development of the plant. Ethylene effects are varied, highlighting the fruit ripening, senescence (aging) of flowers and leaves and the abscission (fall) leaves and fruit. Ethylene is extensively used in agriculture to ensure adequate ripening fruit since it triggers a series of reactions which alter the coloring of the fruit, causing the softening of the fleshy part and increase the amount of sugars. The use of ethylene in post-harvest processes are widely spread around the world, being scarce the researches of the use in direct applications in the fruit field. Thus this work was to evaluate the use of ethylene application in pre-harvest grapes of Cabernet Sauvignon cultivar. The test was conducted in a commercial vineyard located in the city of “Dom Pedrito”, Rio Grande do Sul (RS), during the season 2015/16, in 'Cabernet Sauvignon', Clone R6, grafted on 'SO4', 16 years old installed. The work consisted of applying ethylene by spraying with ethylene solution in different periods with the following treatments (T1) without application of ethylene; (T2) application of 10 ppm of ethylene in the fruit only on the day of collection; (T3) two applications of 10 ppm ethylene (one day before harvest and once on the day of harvest) and; (T4) three applications of 10 ppm ethylene (two days prior to harvest, one day prior to harvest and the other on the day of harvest). For each treatment were made four replications in the field, with 07 plants each. Each of the experimental units were vinified in the experimental winery of Federal University of Pampa (UNIPAMPA) - Campus Dom Pedrito, and packed in bottles of 20 liters following the standard protocol to produce red wine and then the wines were stored in 5-liter bottles where they currently are. The physicochemical analyzes in must and wine as pH, total soluble solids (TSS), expressed acidity malic acid, expressed as acid into lactic acid, total acid and ethanol were made by infrared spectrometry Fourier transform ( FTIR). The data were submitted to analysis of variance (ANOVA), and when significant, the averages were compared by Tukey test at 5% probability. There were significant differences between treatments in physical and chemical composition of must and wine. Being the grape must, malic acid and total acidity parameters, the ethylene treatment without pre-harvest application (T1) and an ethylene pre-harvest application (T2), were the lowest values. Moreover, the must with the treatment of ethylene with two pre-harvest application (T3) and three applications (T4) showed the highest malic acid and total acid values. As for the rates in TSS must and pH, no significant differences between treatments were found. In wine the treatments showed significant differences for the variable ethanol: T1 had the high value and the lowest value T4. For the variable response in the wine, the pH of the T1 and T2 presented the lowest values and the treatment T3, presented the greater value. For total acidity the treatments also differ, and the T1 and T2 showed the highest values and the treatment T3 is smaller. These preliminary results suggest that ethylene pre-harvest application modify somehow the malic acid content, modifying the total acidity and pH of the must and wine in Cabernet Sauvignon, promoting a slight modification in the TSS and thus in ethanol .
Acknowledgements: Ao vintner, Mr. Adair Camponogara e; Company à Amazon Group.
Dormancy Break with Garlic Extract and Hydrogen Peroxide in Rootstock Vine 'SO4';
Nádia Cristiane Alves Vianna, Marcelo Souza Soares, Elizeu Nogueira Fernandes, Andressa Silveira Meinerz, Elisandra Nunes Silva, Juan Saavedra Del Aguila.
UNIPAMPA ( UNIVERSIDADE FEDERAL DO PAMPA), Brazil, mesafontefm@hotmail.com
The vine is a temperate plant, characterized by falling leaves at the end of the season and entry into dormancy in the winter, with dependent physiology of scarification, dormancy is a physiological phenomenon regulated by various biochemical and enzymatic processes and dependent of plant reserve substances, which allows their survival in low temperature conditions. Some synthetic products are used to help overcome the dormancy resulting in a better standardization of budding, flowering and consequently, production; but the product currently available on the market in Brazil, has the highest level of toxicity to humans for a pesticide within the law. This work aimed the study of some alternatives to hydrogen cyanamide, used to break dormancy in tropical and subtropical viticulture; the study was conducted in the greenhouse of the Federal University of Pampa (UNIPAMPA) - Campus Dom Pedrito, in the county of Rio Grande do Sul (RS), by the Nucleus of Study, Research and Extension in Oenology (NEPE²). The experiment consisted of four treatments, with four replicates per treatment and, 12 cuttings per repetition, totaling 48 cuttings per treatment and 192 cuttings for the entire experiment. All cuttings were immersed in 5 ppm of auxin (IAA) for 15 seconds. The treatments were: T1 = Gem spraying with water (control); T2 = gem spraying with cyanamide hydrogenated at a concentration of 3%; T3 = spraying garlic at a concentration of 36% and; T4 = spraying Hydrogen Peroxide at a concentration of 3%. After 04 months, were evaluated: percentage of live cuttings, heightof the aerial part (cm), length of roots (cm) and dry weight of aerial part and root (g). Regarding the roots, root dry mass and dry weight of aerial parts stood out the cuttings treated with hydrogen peroxide at a concentration of 3% (T4). Preliminarily it is Concluded que the hydrogen peroxide at a concentration of 3% can assist in breaking dormancy of the grapevine rootstock 'SO4'.
Defoliation in "Pinotage" in Harvests 2014/2015 And 2015/2016 in the Municipality of “Dom Pedrito/Rio Grande Do Sul” – Brazil;
Bruna Lais Hamm, Angela Pereira Dachi, Elizeu Nogueira Fernandes, Pedro Paulo Parisoto, Jansen Moreira Silveira, Juan Saavedra Del Aguila.
Universidade Federal do Pampa (UNIPAMPA) - Campus Dom Pedrito, Brazil, brunalaishamm@hotmail.com
Several factors can influence the quality of a fruit, such as climatic conditions, soil types, genetic potential of the cultivar and the agronomic management as dry pruning and green pruning (defoliation). The function of the peeling consists in removing sheets mainly located near the curls to provide aeration and insolation conditions favourable for promoting fruit ripening, taking care to not remove more than 50% thereof. The exposure of the bunches to solar radiation is related to greater accumulation of soluble solids, and the higher the sugar content in grapes important in the maturation not only by the amount of alcohol that is derived from the wine but serve as a source for other compounds such as polyphenols, anthocyanins and those related to the aroma. Defoliation also eliminates the possibility of contamination by gray rot and these can transform sugars into gluconic acid glycerides and to produce enzymes which catalyze the oxidation of phenolics. Wines produced with infected grapes become sensitive to oxidation and bacterial contamination, changing the taste and making them unsuitable for aging. For all the above, the objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of defoliation in the must to cultivate Pinotage in a property in the region of “Dom Pedrito”, conducted in espalier and East/West direction. The work was performed by the Core for study, research and extension in Enology (NEPE²), the Federal University of Pampa (UNIPAMPA); in harvests 2014/2015 and 2015/2016; and the defoliation of the cultivar Pinotage was held at the phenological stage 31 (pea grain), for it used the phenological scale of Eichhorn & Lorenz. The treatments were: T1 - control; T2 - Defoliation north; T3 - Defoliation in the south and; T4 - Defoliation North and South in the 2014/2015 season; and T1 - control; T2 - Defoliation north; T3 - Defoliation in the south and; T4 - Defoliation North and South in the 2015/2016 crop. The response variables were analyzed by infrared spectrometry “fourier” transform (FTIR); and these analyzes in the work were: total soluble solids (TSS) expressed in °Brix, pH, total acid, gluconic acid and potassium content of the grape must collected before vinification. The design used was the randomized blocks with four replications and 20 plants per treatment. The results were submitted to analysis of variance (F test) and multiple comparisons of means by Tukey test at 5% probability. The SST remained statistically the same crop in 2014/15, since the 2015/16 season were different, and the treatment T4 (Defoliation North and South); significantly higher followed by treatment T3 (Defoliation in the south). The pH, total acidity and potassium content also were statistically equal in the 2014/2015 crop. On the other hand, in the 2015/2016 season, the values of pH, total acidity and potassium contents were statistically different between the most treatments. In the case of total acidity remained abovetreatment T4 (Defoliation North and South), followed by T1 (control); however for pH and potassium content higher treatment was T2 (defoliation north). The gluconic acid values were different in the two seasons, the harvest 2014/2015, treatment T2 (defoliation north), T3 (Defoliation in the south) and T4 (Defoliation South and North) were significantly higher; since the 2015/2016 harvest T4 (South and North Defoliation) remained significantly higher than the other. Even having suffered from climatic problems, the grape harvest 2015/2016, showed similar results to the previous harvest as the pH values (in this experiment). One of the characteristics of the cultivar Pinotage is its regular pH and its good adaptation to climate similar to its home country, South Africa. With this, it is expected that the musts where defoliation was held in South direction remained satisfactory results. And we can ensure that a normal acidity in the must fermentation and ensures a normal evolution in wines, pleasant flavour, bright colour and protection against undesirable microorganisms in the future wines.
Acknowledgement: Winegrower, Mr. Adair Camponogara.
Fertilizer of Bovine and Ovine Origin in 'Merlot' Vines in Dom Pedrito-RS;
Andressa Silveira, Elizeu Nogueira, Jansen Moreira, Nádia Cristiane Alves, Letícia Zigiotto, Juan Saavedra Del Aguila.
Universidade Federal do Pampa, Brazil, andressameinerz@hotmail.com
The vine adapts to different types of soils, however, most of the vineyards are on soils with low nutrient supply, making corrections necessary to the vines express their productive performance. The vine adapts to various types of soil, but most of the vineyards are found in soils with low nutrient supply, necessary corrections so that the vines to express its productive performance. The organic fertilizer facilitates the absorption of nutrients, addition to improving soil structure and the organic fertilizer of animal origin are good suppliers of nutrients. Therefore, the objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of organic fertilizer with cow manure and sheep on the growth and chlorophyll content of 'Merlot' vines grafted on three different rootstocks. The experiment was conducted by the Nucleus of Study, Research and Extension in Oenology (NEPE²) in the experimental vineyard of the Federal University of Pampa (UNIPAMPA)-Campus Dom Pedrito, implemented in the second half of 2014, with the variety ‘Merlot' clone VCR1. The treatments were: T1: 'Merlot' clone VCR1 + rootstock '161.49'; T2: 'Merlot' clone VCR1 + rootstock '161.49' + 1Kg of bovine manure; T3: 'Merlot' clone VCR1 + rootstock '161.49' + 1Kg of ovine manure; T4: 'Merlot' clone VCR1 + rootstock '161.49' + ½Kg of bovine manure + ½Kg of ovine manure; T5: ‘Merlot' clone VCR1 + rootstocks ‘420A'; T6: ‘Merlot' clone VCR1 + rootstocks ‘420A' + 1Kg of bovine manure; T7: ‘Merlot' clone VCR1 + rootstocks ‘420A' + 1Kg of ovine manure; T8: ‘Merlot' clone VCR1 + rootstocks ‘420A' + ½Kg of bovine manure + ½Kg of ovine manure; T9: ‘Merlot' clone VCR1 + rootstock ‘Paulsen 1103'; T10: ‘Merlot' clone VCR1 + rootstock ‘Paulsen 1103' + 1Kg of bovine manure; T11: ‘Merlot' clone VCR1 + rootstock ‘Paulsen 1103' + 1Kg of ovine manure; T12: ‘Merlot' clone VCR1 + rootstock ‘Paulsen 1103' + ½Kg of bovine manure + ½Kg of ovine manure. The total were 12 treatments in a factorial scheme (3x4) (rootstock x manure). It was performed 4 applications of decomposed manure around the vines (September and October 2015, January and February 2016). We evaluated the plant height (cm) and chlorophyll (Falker clorofiLOG®). It was held the analysis of variance (ANOVA) and when necessary the comparison test of Tukey averages at 5% of probability. The treatments in the rootstock ‘Paulsen 1103' (T9, T10, T11 and T12) showed greater height of ‘Merlot' clone VCR1, followed by the rootstock ‘161.49' (T1, T2, T3 and T4) and ‘420A' (T5, T6, T7 and T8). However the treatments with the rootstock ‘Paulsen 1103' (T9, T10, T11 and T12) had lower total chlorophyll in the leaves of 'Merlot' clone VCR1 compared to other treatments. The treatments T1, T5 and T9, those without application of bovine and ovine manures, the total chlorophyll content was significantly lower. Preliminarily concluded that the use of manures from bovine and ovine origin on the vine ‘Merlot' clone VCR1 on rootstocks ‘Paulsen 1103', ‘420A' and ‘161.49', present in leaves higher chlorophyll content. Pôsteres:
Ethylene Helps the Auxin in the Rooting of 'SO4' Vine Roostock;
Marcelo Souza Soares, Elizeu Fernandes Nogueira, Pedro Paulo Parisoto, Elisandra Nunes da Silva, Nadia Cristiane Alves Vianna, Juan Saavedra Del Aguila.
Universidade Federal do Pampa (UNIPAMPA) - Campus Dom Pedrito, Brazil, ssoares-1904@hotmail.com
The rootstocks in wine industry began to be used after the spread of the pest phylloxera in the last century, and until now we use this technique due to high susceptibility of European or vinifera varieties to this pest. The rootstock 'SO4' was introduced in the 1970's in Brazil, which was widespread in the state of Rio Grande do Sul in the subsequent years. Usually this rootstock gives vigorous development, drought resistance, adapts to clay soil has good fruit set and rooting, high resistance to nematodes and phylloxera, but is sensitive to anthracnose and fusarium. On the other hand, the growth regulators are substances applied exogenously to promote the development of plants, and these have been used in vines to increase the size and improving the quality of the berries and bunches, increase fruit fixation, the suppression of seeds, accelerating or delay fruit ripening, stimulate rooting of cuttings and uniform bud break and bud fertility and control the vegetative growth. Within the plant hormones, auxins are chemically related substances with indole-3-acetic acid (IAA), they increase the extensibility of the cell wall, promote cell division, leaf growth and roots, and regulates the development of the fruit. Ethylene is a plant hormone that acts at low concentrations, participating throughout the development of plants; Commercially we use the 2-chloroethyl acid phosphonic (etephon), metabolized in the plant is responsible for controlling the formation of the apical hook in blanching in floral initiation, the leaf fall and the induction of the climacteric period in the breath of the fruit, and subsequent maturation processes. In this sense the purpose of this study was to evaluate the rooting of rootstock cuttings 'SO4' using the plant growth regulator auxin and Ethylene in isolation and / or in combination. The study was conducted in the greenhouse of UNIPAMPA - Campus Dom Pedrito, by Nucleus of Study and Research and Extension in Enology (NEPE²), which were used rootstock cuttings 'SO4' collected in the region of Dom Pedrito - RS. These cuttings were placed in plastic bags (19cm x 5cm x 8cm), and filled with 50% sand + 50% commercial substrate (H. Decker®). The treatments were: T1 = control (immersion in distilled water); T2 = immersion in 10ppm of acetic acid indolyl (AAI); T3 = immersion in 10ppm of Etephon and T4 = immersion in 5ppm of AAI + 5ppm of Etephon, all cuttings of all treatments were immersed for 24 hours. Was used four replicates per treatment, each repetition consisted of 12 cuttings; resulting in 48 cuttings per treatment and 192 cuttings throughout the experiment. After 04 months, were evaluated: percentage of live cuttings, height of aerial part (cm), length of roots (cm) and dry matter of aerial parts and root (g). For the roots, root dry weight and dry weight of aerial part stood out the cuttings treated with both plant growth regulators (T4).The conclusion is the importance of the use of plant hormones auxin and ethylene in the production of rootstock 'SO4' with better results in sprouting, rooting, root dry mass and dry mass of aerial parts, which is to assist producers who crave plant development and survival of seedlings.
Thanks: To the wine grower Mr. Adair Camponogara.
Physicochemical Characteristics Tannins Oenological Use and Oak Chips in Vinification Grape 'Alicante Bouschet';
Angela Pereira Dachi, Ataíde Israel Fernandes Cordeiro, Bruna Laís Hamm, Pedro Paulo Parisoto, Willian Dos Santos Triches, Juan Saavedra Del Aguila
Universidade Federal do Pampa (UNIPAMPA) - Campus Dom Pedrito, Brazil, angeladachi@yahoo.com.br
This work was conducted as to evaluate influence on the physicochemical characteristics of the use of oenological tannins and oak chips in wine grapes 'Alicante Bouschet' in the Rio Grande do Sul region of the “Campanha”. The grapes used for the development came from commercial vineyard located in “Bagé” - RS, where the experiment consisted in applying wine making tannins and oak chips to provide color stability and contribution of aromas to the wine. Maceration processes and fermentations were carried out in stainless steel tank, and after the wine was discharged into containers and distributed in 18 bottles with 4,6 liter capacity each, totaling six treatments with three repetitions each. The treatment were: T1 - without adding oenological inputs (control); T2 - grape tannin in 15g.hL-¹ dose + American oak chips HT at a dose of 200g.hL-¹; T3 - grape tannin in 15g.hL-¹ dose + chips French oak HT in 200g.hL-¹ dose; T4 - French oak tannin at a dose of 15g.hL-¹ + American oak chips in 200g.hL HT-¹ dose; T5 - French oak tannin at a dose of 15g.hL-¹ + chips French oak HT in 200g.hL-¹ dose; T6 - grape tannin at a dose of 15g.hL-¹ + tannin French oak at a dose of 15g.hL-¹ + American oak chips in the HT + dose 200g.hL-¹ + chips French oak HT at a dose of 200g.hL-¹. The evaluated physical and chemical analysis were: Soluble Solids (Brix), pH, density, total acidity, glycerol, reducing sugars, tartaric acid, malic acid, gluconic acid, potassium, alcohol, dry extract, color tone, color intensity, IPT, total anthocyanins, total tannins, HCl index, Ethanol index and gelatin index. The physicochemical variables: gelatin content and HCl index was no significant difference between treatments, concluding that the treatments had affected the degree of polymerization of tannins and astringency. Acknowledgement: Company Amazon Group.