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41º Congresso Mundial da Vinha e do Vinho

Atualizado: 25 de set. de 2020

O Congresso é o principal evento científico da área no mundo e foi promovido pela Organização Internacional da Vinha e do Vinho (OIV), entidade que reúne 46 países membros. A cidade de Punta del Este - Uruguay que sediou o evento nos dias 19 e 23 de novembro de 2018.. O tema geral desta edição foi " Moldando o futuro: desafios de produção e mercado". Confira a seguir alguns dos trabalhos apresentados pelos discentes do Grupo de Pesquisa NEPE² e as respectivas autorias: Pôsteres:


Graci Kely Menezes, Bruno Dalazen Machado, Rogério De Oliveira Anese, Alef Robalo Guimarães, Bárbara Mello Vieira, Juan Saavedra Del Aguila

Unipampa - Universidade Federal do Pampa, Brazil,


Recently, in Brazil, Silicon was included in the Legislation for the Production and Marketing of Fertilizers and Corrective Products, as a beneficial micronutrient to the plants, providing innumerable benefits to several plant species, such as increases in productivity and tolerance to pests and diseases. In this context, the effectiveness of different concentrations of Sodium Silicate on the productive and qualitative characteristics of 'Cabernet Sauvignon' grape (Vitis vinifera L.), in the region of Dom Pedrito (RS), Brazil. The experiment was conducted during the 2017/2018 harvest, in a commercial vineyard, located in the city of Dom Pedrito - RS, in geographic coordinates 31º01'27 ''S and 54º36'18''W and at an altitude of 131 m. 'Cabernet Sauvignon' plants in the 'SO4' grafted gate and conducted in a 15-year-old espalier system received the following treatments: T1) = no application; T2) = 0.4 ml.L-1 of Sodium Silicate; T3) = 0.8 ml.L-1 of Sodium Silicate and T4) = 1.2 ml.L-1 of Sodium Silicate. The name of the commercial product used is "Sodium Silicate Neutral", whose chemical name is Sodium Silicate, consisting mainly of Sodium Oxide (8.40 to 8.70%) and Silica (26.45 to 28.70%). For all treatments, a foliar canopy application of approximately 20 cm around these clusters of the Sodium Silicate was carried out in four phenological stages, according to the scale proposed by Eichorn & Lorentz (1977): “chumbinho” grain (29), change of color of berries (31), beginning of softening of berries (35) and 15 days before harvest (38). The productive variables evaluated were: bunch weight (g); berry diameter (mm); production per plant (kg.plant-1); estimated productivity (t.ha-1); Soluble Solids (SS) expressed in ºBrix; total acidity (mEq.L-1) and anthocyanin content (mg.L-1). The different concentrations of Sodium Silicate promoted improvements in the productive and qualitative attributes of the 'Cabernet Sauvigon' grape, with a significant effect (p <0.005) on bunches weight, yield per plant, estimated productivity, SS, total acidity and anthocyanins. The grapes of T3, submitted to a concentration of 0.8 ml.L-1 of Sodium Silicate, obtained the highest increase in yield per plant (4.9 kg.Plant-1) and in the estimated productivity (13,6 t.ha-1), in relation to the concentrations of 0.4 ml.L-1 (T2), 1.2 ml.L-1 (T4) of Sodium Silicate, and the treatment without application of Sodium Silicate (T1), which obtained estimated productivities of 10.7 t.ha-1; 9.8 t.ha-1 e; 5.6 t.ha-1, respectively, for the estimated productivity response variable. In terms of percentage, it was found that the concentration of 0.8 ml.L-1 of Sodium Silicate (T3) increased the vineyard's productive capacity by 59% compared to the treatment without application of Sodium Silicate (T1). In addition to the increase in the productive attributes, the concentration of 0.8ml.L-1 of Sodium Silicate (T3), maintained the qualitative standard of the grape in terms of SS (22.4 ºBrix) and total acidity (2.8 mEq.L-1), with levels similar to the treatments that induced lower productivity, except for the anthocyanins content in the berries, where it was observed that the highest production of plants submitted to the concentration of 0.8 ml.L-1 of Sodium Silicate (T3), induced a lower accumulation of the compound, with values of 14.7 mEq.L1, in relation to the concentration of 0.4 ml.L-1 of Sodium Silicate and the treatment without application of Sodium Silicate (T1). The amount values were 19.2 mEq.L-1 and 17.7 mEq.L-1, respectively, of anthocyanin contents. In this way, it is concluded that the application of Sodium Silicate, at a concentration of 0,8 ml.L-1 in 'Cabernet Sauvignon' cultivated in the region of the “Campanha Gaúcha” (Dom Pedrito), may be a viable alternative to increase productivity.

Best regards: To the winegrower, Mr. Adair Camponogara. The Citropack company for the provision of nets against bird attack.


Lucas Souza, Alice Maia, Portes Yasmin, Viviam Oliveira, Juan Aguila

Universidade Federal do Pampa, Brazil,


Used as biocontrol, the fungi Trichoderma spp. can promote the vegetal growth of the plants. Research on the use of fungus for the purpose of vegetative growth in viticulture is scarce, for this reason the research group NEPE² of the Universidade Federal do Pampa used the fungus on cuttings of 'Cabernet Sauvignon' to check its effects. The experiment used 172 cuttings and was conducted in the greenhouse of the university, with micro pulverization, natural lighting, normal temperature conditions and irrigation according to the plant’s need. The cuttings received an application of 5 ppm of auxin in distilled water and placed individually in bags for seedlings with a mixture of ⅔ of humus and ⅓ of sand. A treatment scheme divided the experiment into four blocks of 43 cuttings. The treatments were constituted in four doses of the commercial product of Trichoderma (0 g, 0,1 g, 1,0 g, and 10,0 g), diluted in 1.000 ml of distilled water and sprayed on aerial part of plants every 15 days, totaling 6 applications over 75 days. Later the cuttings were taken to the laboratory for evaluation of the aerial part and root and their respective percentages of dry matter. Thus, the treatment plants 4 (10.0 g of Trichoderma spp.) presented significantly better results than the plants of treatment 1 (control), in all evaluated responses variables. Keywords: Vitis vinifera, sustainability, viticulture.

Thanks: To the Empresa Caxiense de Controle Biológico Ltda Ltda.

Grapevine seedlings of 'SO4' rootstock under electric stimulus

autores: Sara Aparecida Da Silva Pinto, Giuli  Paola Cidade Alves, Wellynthon Da Cunha Machado, Pedro Paulo Parisoto, Gabriela Victoria Jardim, Juan Saavedra Del Aguila.


Jansen Moreira. Silveira, Pedro Paulo Parisoto, Elisandra Nunes. Da Silva., Marcos Gabbardo, Cesar Valmor Rombaldi, Juan Saavedra Del Aguila

Universidade Federal do Pampa (UNIPAMPA), Brazil,


The management of the vegetative canopy of the vine can cause changes in the composition and quality of the grape and the wine and its effects are closely related to the relation of the edaphoclimatic conditions in which it is found. In this sense, in order to improve the quality of the grape and the wine of the 'Cabernet Sauvignon' grape, the work consisted of maintaining different lengths of the stalks from the first support wire, through periodic peaks altering the height of the upper part of the plant. The treatments were separated from the stalks at 60 cm (T1), 80 cm (T2), 100 cm (T3) and 120 cm (T4). The experiment was carried out in a vineyard located in the municipality of “Dom Pedrito - Rio Grande do Sul” (RS), Brazil, during the 2015/16, 2016/17 and 2017/18 harvest on 16 year old 'Cabernet Sauvignon' vines, grafted on rootstock 'SO4' and conducted on a trellis. The experimental design was completely randomized blocks. The physico-chemical analysis of the must was made by the Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrometry (FTIR) technique. Total acidity, total soluble solids (º Brix), tartaric acid and potassium content were evaluated. The treatments promoted significant differences in the physicochemical composition of the must. In the 2015/16 crop, the T4 treatment (120 cm) had the highest value of total soluble solids (21.3 º Brix), but statistically only differed from the T3 treatment (100 cm vegetative canopy height), which presented (19.8 °Brix). In the same harvest (2015/2016), there was no significant difference for the other parameters evaluated. Again, in the following year (2016/17), the T4 treatment (vegetative canopy height of 120 cm) presented the highest value of total soluble solids (19.7 ºBrix), while T3 (vegetative canopy height of 100 cm), presented the lowest value (19.4 °Brix) and consequently the T3 (height of the vegetative canopy of 100 cm), obtained the highest values of total acidity (3.13 gL-1), tartaric acidity (6.03 gL-1) and potassium content (1,314.35 mg.L-1), characteristic values of lower maturation level. In the 2017/18 harvest, no significant difference was observed between treatments, probably due to climatic conditions, which despite having been a favorable summer crop in the region, the winter that preceded this harvest was warm, with few hours of cold; this promoted an uninform budding. Another fact that can be observed in this last harvest (2017/2018) was problems of phytotoxicity caused by the drift of agro toxic applications from other crops grown nearby (mainly 2,4D herbicide drift); causing sprouting of shoots, which delayed the development of the vegetative canopy. Preliminarily, it is concluded that keeping the canopy of different sizes in the vegetative period influences significantly the quality of the must.

Key words: Vitis vinifera L., photosynthesis, quality, winemaking.

Acknowledgments: To the winegrower, Mr. Adair Camponogara


Luciele Nunes. Seixa, Andreza Santana Afonso, Alice , Tainá Berger Dos Santos., Graci Kely Menezes, Juan Saavedra Del Aguila

Universidade Federal do Pampa (UNIPAMPA), Brazil,


As an alternative to the type of conventional agriculture practiced in the last decades, mainly after the green revolution; Agroecology emerged as a proposal not only technological but also, as a development proposal, mainly in rural areas. In Agroecology, it is recommended the system vision and the complexation of the same, through the increase of Biodiversity, for example, when adding beneficial microorganisms within a productive system of Vine seedlings. Among the products of biological origin existing in the Brazilian market, we have Trichodel, Nemathel and Paecilomyces. Trichodel aids in the development and growth of the plant and at the same time helps to prevent fungi that can cause death, has no toxic structure, ie, it practically does not cause environmental impact. Nemathel is indicated for the control of parasites in the root part of the plant, has in its composition Bacillus cells that act in the control of plant nematodes, aiding in the displacement of nutrients in the plant, has no toxic structure as well as Trichodel and also practically no cause environmental impact. Paecilomyces is a product based on starch, minerals and water, its function is to protect and prevent plants from attacking the root system of nematodes. In this sense, the objective of the present work was to compare different products of biological origin, applied in the substrate where it was developed grape seedlings of the 'Paulsen 1103' rootstock. The present study was carried out by the Nucleus of Study, Research and Extension in Enology (NEPE²), of the Federal University of Pampa (UNIPAMPA) - Campus Dom Pedrito. 'Paulsen 1103' grape vine cuttings immersed in 100 ppm auxin (indolyl acetic acid) were used for 24 hours prior to planting; once the cuttings were rooted, the following treatments were obtained: T1 - substrate without application of biological product (control); T2 - application on the substrate of Trichodel® Soil based on Trichoderma spp. (10 ml/plant); T3 - application on the substrate of Nemathel® Bacillus (10 ml/plant) and; T4 - substrate application of Nemathel® Paecilomyces (10 ml/plant); it was begun to make the applications after 60 days of the planting of the cuttings, every seven days, during 63 days. The experimental design was randomized with four replicates per treatment and ten replicates per replicate. The experiment was completed after 132 days of planting, where it was evaluated: aerial part height and root length in cm; the percentages of root dry mass and aerial part, as well as the Chlorophyll a analyzes, through the use of the ChlorofiLOG Digital FALKER model CFL1030. Analyzing the statistical results, it was possible to observe that the seedlings of all the treatments tested did not present significant statistical differences in the following response variables: aerial part height, root length and percentage of dry root mass. With respect to Chlorophyll a, the leaves of the T4 seedlings (Nemathel® Paecilomyces), were statistically different from T3 (Nemathel® Bacillus), but were equal to T1 (control) and T2 (Trichodel® Solo). Preliminarily, it was concluded that with the exception of Chlorophyll a, the respective treatments do not differ from each other.

Acknowledgment: To the company ECCB biological inputs, for the supply of the commercial products for the realization of the present experiment.


Alice Faria Maia, Aline Faria Maia, Viviam Glória Oliveira, Joselen Lemos Silva Da Silva, Bruna Laís Hamm, Juan Saavedra Del Aguila

Universidade Federal do Pampa (UNIPAMPA), Brazil,


The present work presents the proposed use of water absorbing polymers known as a hydrogel commercial name HydroplanEB HyA®, applied to viticulture this product is based on the Copolymer of Acrylamide and Potassium Acrylate this polymer has water storage purpose, releasing the optimal amount of water for survival of the plant, when necessary. The objective of this study was to investigate the effects of the hydrogel added to the substrate for seedlings, on some variable physiological responses of grapevine rootstock of 'SO4' rootstock (V. berlandieri x V. riparia). The experiment was realized by the Nucleus of Study, Research and Extension in Oenology (NEPE²), of the Bachelor's Degree in Oenology, of the Federal University of Pampa (UNIPAMPA), Campus Dom Pedrito / Rio Grande do Sul (RS) -Brazil. The experiment contained 4 treatments with 4 replicates per treatment and 12 seedlings per replicate. These were: T1 = Irrigation of the leaves as a function of Evapotranspiration, ± 40 mL day-1 (control); T2 = 0.3 g of Hydrogel in the Substrate + 25% of the Evapotranspiration (± 10 ml day-1); T3 = 0.4 g of Hydrogel in the Substrate + 25% of the Evapotranspiration (± 10 ml day-1) and; T4 = 0.5 g of Hydrogel in the substrate + 25% of the evapotranspiration (± 10 mL day-1). After the growth and development of the leaf and radicular part, the plants were destined to the restriction according to the necessity of the plant, lasting the experiment 210 days. After this period, it was evaluated: shoot height and root length, expressed in cm and; the total chlorophyll, using the ClorofiLOG Digital FALKER model CFL1030. The leaves of the T2 treatments (0.3 g of Hydrogel), T3 (0.4 g of Hydrogel) and T4 (0.5 g of Hydrogel) presented total chlorophyll values, significantly higher than T1 (control). This increase of total chlorophyll is positive for these seedlings, being this pigment responsible for capturing solar energy and transforming it into chemical energy for the plant in photosynthetic processes. On the other hand, the seedlings did not present significant differences for the response variable of the height of the aerial part, signaling that the seedlings submitted to a certain level of water stress by water restriction (T2 to T4), developed in a similar way to seedlings without water restriction (T1). In the variable of root length, the T2 changes (0.3 g of Hydrogel) did not present differences with T1 changes (control); but was significantly higher than the other treatments (T3 and T4). Preliminarily, it is concluded that the use of the Hydrogel in the substrate of rootstocks 'SO4', in the proportions of the present experiment, generates higher contents of chlorophyll in the leaves of this rootstock and; development of the aerial part. Key words: hydric stress, chlorophyll, viticulture, economy.

Acknowledgment: The Winegrower, Mr. Adair CamponogaraTwo foliar fertilizers in the production and chemical composition of Merlot grape


Joselen Lemos Silva Da Silva., Alice Farias Maia, Bruna Laís Hamm, Alexandra Vigil Nunes, Thainá Silveira. Dallasta, Juan Saavedra Del Aguila

Universidade Federal do Pampa (UNIPAMPA), Brazil,


The grape is a fruit that must be harvested when ripe, because it is considered of non-climacteric respiratory pattern, which does notripen after being harvested. The fruit after harvesting has been observed differently in recent years due to the increase in consumption, mainly for quality, which is one of the most demanded by consumers when acquiring the product in the market. The table grape 'Niagara Rosada' is the main variety produced in Brazil, due to its low cost of production, lower requirements in cultural treatments, tolerant of fungal diseases, high productivity; being able to be cultivated in vineyards with management in the system of organic production, without the use of pesticides and, being of the taste of the Brazilian consumer, mainly for the consumption in natura. In this sense, the objective of this work was to evaluate the use of some plant regulators in the post harvesting of the table grape 'Niagara Rosada', from an organic production system. The grapes were obtained from a commercial vineyard, located in the city of Caçapava do Sul, Rio Grande do Sul (RS), Brazil, a region known as the Gaucha Campaign. The fruits after the harvest were immediately and carefully transported to the Botany Laboratory, belonging to the Federal University of Pampa Campus Dom Pedrito; where the experiment conducted by the Nucleus of Study, Research and Extension in Oenology (NEPE²) was installed. The treatments were: Treatment 1: Control (distilled water); Treatment 2: 1000 ppm salicylic acid; Treatment 3: 1000 ppm 1-methylcyclopropene (1-MCP); Treatment 4: 1000 ppm of gibberellic acid and; Treatment 5: 1000 ppm Etrhel® (ethylene). The experiment consisted of 5 treatments and 4 replicates per treatment, with each replicate being approximately 350 g of fruit. The evaluations were made on day zero (experiment installation) and, after 3, 6 and 9 days of storage of the grapes at 16 ° C and ± 70% Relative Humidity (RH); this storage temperature was chosen to simulate the conditions of commercialization of a supermarket. It was evaluated: Total Soluble Solids (SST) in ºBrix, titratable total acidity(AT) in%, ratio (SST / AT), fresh mass of the bunch (g), darkening index of the stink (notes), loss of water of the stink, and detachment of the fruits of the bunches. It was observed the increase of AT accumulation in the fruits of treatment 5 (ethylene), on the 3rd and 9th day of evaluation. On the 6th day of the experiment, on the fruits of treatment 3 (1-MCP), an increase in the AT level was observed in relation to the fruits of the other treatments. The relationship between SST / AT, known as ratio, did not present a statistical difference between the treatments. The other variables studied did not differ statistically from one another. The use of ethylene and 1-MCP in the postharvest of 'Niagara Rosada' grape, increased AT. Different from other applied works, which were used as reference, where they showed a decrease in AT, this may be due to the fact that the fruits came from conventional production systems. Therefore, the data are interesting, because ethylene helped in the ripening of the fruit, since 1-MCP is used to extend the useful life of the fruit after harvesting, that is, both plant regulators can be responsible for a greater durability and quality of the fruit. Thanks: The company Rohm and Haas Chemical Ltda. the supply of the commercial product AgrofreshInc.(1-MCP).


Yasmin Da Costa. Portes, Gabriela Victoria Jardim, Alice Farias Maia, Lara Do Canto Simioni, Lília Sichmann Heiffig - Del Aguila, Juan Saavedra Del Aguila

Universidade Federal do Pampa (UNIPAMPA), Brazil,


The rice carbonized husk is a substrate rich in silicon, potassium, magnesium, iron, manganese and phosphorus, providing to the plants nutrition, good porosity of drainage, aeration and air exchange through the roots. “Dom Pedrito” region has a large part of the economy focused on rice production, thinking of using one of the rice byproducts in another cultivation takes to the sistem an advantage and in a sustainable way; The objective of this study was to test rice peel ashes as cover in vine seedlings rootstock 'SO4'. The study was realized by the Nucleus of Study, Research and Extension in Enology (NEPE²), in the Federal University of Pampa (UNIPAMPA) greenhouse, “Campus Dom Pedrito”, located in “Dom Pedrito” city, the wine “Gaúcha” Campaign region in the state of “Rio Grande do Sul” (RS), Brazil. The 'SO4' rootstock vine cuttings were came from a commercial vineyard in the “Dom Pedrito”; these stakes before planting were immersed for 24 hours in auxin solution (indolyl acetic acid). The treatments were: T1 - control, seedlings without cover with carbonized rice bark (control); T2 - 6 g with rice husk ash coverage; T3 - 10 g with rice husk ash coverage and; T4 - 24 g of coverage rice ash. The research totalized four treatments, with 50 plants for each treatment. The variables analyzed were: shoot height (cm), root length (cm), shoot size and percentage of aerial and root dry mass. The results were compared by the variance analysis (ANOVA) and the means were submitted to the Tukey test at 5% of significance. Considering shoot height, sprouting and percentage of dry shoot mass, there weren't statistic difference between the 'SO4' seedlings of the treatments tested. However, in relation to the root dry weight percentage, treatment 3 seedlings were significantly highest than the treatments 1, 2 and 4. About this study it is concluded that the coverage with rice husk ashes in doses of 10 g could influence in the grapevine rootstock "SO4" development.

Acknowledgment: To the Winegrower, Mr. Adair Camponogara


Kalebe Agripino Do Nascimento Gularte Gularte, Barbara Mello Vieira, Graci Kely Menezes, Alef Robalo Guimarães, Bruno Dalazen Machado, Juan Saavedra Del Aguila

UNIPAMPA-Universidade Federal do Pampa, Brazil,


The use of foliar fertilizers it’s a driving practice that has become intensified during the last few years in Brazil due to the look for bigger productions and better qualitative aspects in fruit. This paper has aimed to evaluate the effect of two organic fertilizing sources within the production of Merlot grape and within the chemical composition of its stum. The experiment was developed within the harvest of 2017/18 in an implanted vineyard on a planosolic haplic eutrophic vertisolical soil with a 12 year old Merlot grape found in the city of Dom Pedrito - RS, with geographical coordinates 31º01’27’’S and 54º36’18’’W and an altitude of 131 m. The plants were grafted on a ‘SO4’ graft door and conducted in espalier system. The treatments were: T1) witness (water application); T2) Codisolo® Fertilizer, applied into the bunch region; T3) Codisolo® Fertilizer, applied into the bunch and the vegetative canopy region; T4) Folhas® Fertilizer, applied within the bunch region and; T5) Fertilizer, applied within the bunch and vegetative canopy region. The products used were the mineral organic fertilizer (Codisolo® 04-14-08 + Micros) and the fertilizer Folhas® Codipa 10-10-10 + Micros; both of them within the concentration of ml.L-1 during the phenologic states according to Eichorn & Lorentz (1977) scale: pellet grain (29), berries change of color (31), the beginning of the berries softening (35) and 15 days before the harvest (38). The grape and the stum were evaluated in terms of: plant production (kg.plant-1); Soluble Solids (SS) expressed in ºBrix, pH, total acidity (mEq.L-1), malic acid (g.L-1), tartaric acid (g.L-1), gluconic acid (g.L-1) and potassium content (g.L-1). It was observed that the fruit from treatments T4 (Folhas® Fertilizer, applied within the bunch region) and T5 (Folhas® Fertilizer, applied within the bunch and the vegetative canopy region), have increased the plant production in comparison to the other treatments with 4,2 and 4,0 Kg. plant-1 production. In terms of percentage, both treatments T4 and T5 have increased the winery production capacity in 55% and 48%, respectively, when compared to treatment T1 (witness). Both mineral organic fertilizing sources have not influenced on fruit quality parameters as well as the chemical composition of the stum, regardless of its application setting regarding the fruits from T1 (witness). The numbers of total acidity as well as those from tartaric and malic acids responsible for the wine steadiness have not been influenced by those different treatments; the same result was obtained from gluconic acid which is an indicator for fruit sanity. Besides, no significant differences have been stated within potassium content in stum with the application of different foliar fertilizers, which, in a way, is positive, since potassium enhances the formation of potassium bitartrate in the stum, increasing the pH levels of the wine and accelerating its oxidation, reducing wine quality from time to time. Preliminarily, it is concluded that Folhas® foliar fertilizer applied not only within the bunch region but as well as within the vegetative canopy region can be an alternate way to increase winery production without leading to a negative influence on the qualitative parameters of the grape and the stum.

Thanks to: Mr. Adair Camponogara, viticulturist.


Sara Aparecida Da Silva Pinto, Giuli Paola Cidade Alves, Wellynthon Da Cunha Machado, Pedro Paulo Parisoto, Gabriela Victoria Jardim, Juan Saavedra Del Aguila

Universidade Federal do Pampa (UNIPAMPA), Brazil,


The direct use of electric current provide a stress in the plant, this stress can cause positives effects in the plant development by depolarizations and polarizations of plasma membranes and tonoplast. In this sense, the objective was to analyze some effects of eletric stimulus in seedlings of grapevine rootstock ‘SO4’. The study was carried out by “Núcleo de Estudo, Pesquisa e Extensão em Enologia” (NEPE²), the Bachelor's Degree in Enology of “Universidade Federal do Pampa” (UNIPAMPA) – “Campus Dom Pedrito”, located in the city of Dom Pedrito, “Rio Grande do Sul” (RS), Brazil. 'SO4' cuttings from commercial vineyard of the city of Dom Pedrito (RS) were previously treated with Auxin before cutting (immersion in 5ppm Indolyl Acetic Acid (AIA) for 24 hours). Posteriorly they were placed in plastics bags (19 cm x 5 cm x 8 cm), fill in with 50% of medium sand (not sifted) and 50% of commercial substrate (H. Decker®). The experiment was conducted entirely in randomized blocks, with four treatments and 23 repetitions (seedlings) for each treatment. For the application of the electric stimulus was used a digital device (Digital Therapy Machine of Health Herald), adapted to act as an energized capacitor, a discharge with a current of 0.02 mA occurred, touching two poles (positive and negative) on the rootstock 'SO4'. The treatments were: T1- rootstocks 'SO4' without electric discharge (control); T2- rootstocks 'SO4' with 0.02 mA electric discharge, for 30 seconds; T3- rootstocks 'SO4' with 0.02 mA electric discharge, for 60 seconds and T4- rootstocks 'SO4' with 0.02 mA electric discharge, for 90 seconds. The treatments were applied 33 days after cutting, twice a week. The evaluation of total chlorophyll was carried out in a non-destructive way, during the development of the seedlings (three evaluations), using the ClorofiLOG Digital FALKER model CFL1030, starting these evaluations after 64 days of cutting. Besides of total chlorophyll, with the support of a ruler were evaluate the high of the aerial part (cm) and the length of the root (cm) in the end of the experiment (at 104 days after cutting). The data were compatible with the Tukey averages comparison test at 5% probability. The values obtained in the annual chlorophyll analysis (64 days after cutting) were the lowest among the three determinations (ranging from 210 to 230), for all tests tested. Already in the second analysis period, 82 days after cutting, there was an increasement of all the treatments (ranging from 240 to 260). In the third analyses, 104 days after cutting there was a decrease of the chlorophyll content, and only the leaves of the rootstocks 'SO4', without electrical stimulation (T1), kept the amount of chlorophyll increasing, although all treatments did not show statistical difference between them. It was preliminarily concluded that in relation to the total chlorophyll and some developments parameters of ‘SO4' grapevine rootstock (shoot height and root length), the use of electrical stimulus in the nursery phase does not affect negatively or positively its development. It is suggested to continue these experiments, increasing, for example, the applied electric discharge, as well as the time of the same.

Key words: vitis spp., American grape, membrane potential, viticulture.

Acknowledgement : To the Winegrower, Mr. Adair Camponogara.

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