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42º Congresso Mundial da Vinha e do Vinho

Atualizado: 25 de set. de 2020

O Congresso é o principal evento científico da área no mundo e foi promovido pela Organização Internacional da Vinha e do Vinho (OIV), na cidade de Genebra - Suíça entre os dias 15 e 19 de julho 2019. O tema geral desta edição foi “Preservação e inovação: expectativas a nível ambiental, econômico e social ”.

Confira a seguir alguns dos trabalhos apresentados pelos discentes do Grupo de Pesquisa NEPE² e as respectivas autorias:


Graci Kely Menezes, Washington Araujo Trigueiro Junior, Bruno Dalazen Machado, Rogério De Oliveira Anese, Juan Saavedra Del Aguila: Brazil,


Silicon is included as a micronutrient beneficial to plants, with importance for an alternative management, providing numerous benefits, as in photosynthetic rates, changes in chlorophyll content, increased plant tolerance and tolerance to pests and diseases. It was evaluated how with this work loading of different concentrations of Sodium Silicate on the chlorophyll content of the grape 'Cabernet Sauvignon' (Vitis vinifera L.), in the region of Dom Pedrito (campaign region), in Rio Grande do Sul (RS), Brazil. The experiment was conducted during a 2017/2018 harvest, in commercial vineyard, located in the municipality of Dom Pedrito - RS, geographical coordinates 31º01'27'S and 54º36'18''W and at an altitude of 131 m. 'Cabernet Sauvignon' plants grafted onto the 'SO4' rootstock conducted on a 15-year-old espalier system, received the following treatments: T1) = no application; T2) = 0.4 ml.L -1 of Sodium; T3) = 0.8 ml.L -1 of Sodium Silicate and T4) = 1.2 ml.L -1 of Sodium. The name of the commercial product used is "Neutral Sodium Silicate", The chemical name is Sodium Silicate, consisting mainly of Sodium (8.40 to 8.70%) and Silica (26.45 to 28.70%). For all treatments, foliar canopy of approximately 20 cm Sodium Silicate, where a plant was phenological stages, based on an evaluation proposed by Eichorn & Lorentz (1977): (29), color of berries (31), beginning of softening of the berries (35) and 15 days before harvest (38). The assessments were given about the contents of chlorophyll a, b and Total, using ClorofiLOG Digital FALKER CFL1030. Different Combinations of Sodium Silicate Caused Chlorophyll levels in the T3, submitted to a concentration of of 0.8 ml.L -1 of Sodium Silicate, compared to T1, was not used of Sodium Silicate. For the heavy movements T2, at the concentration of 0.4 ml.L -1 of Sodium Silicate, and T4 in the concentration of 1.2 ml.L -1 of Sodium existed increased chlorophyll b. The total chlorophyll ratio did not show significant variation for all treatments. In conclusion, the application of Sodium Silicate, at a concentration of 0.8 ml.L-1 in 'Cabernet Sauvignon', cultivated in the region of the state of Rio Grande do Sul (Dom Pedrito), may be a viable alternative to increase chlorophyll a, as well as a possible increase in the photosynthetic efficiency of the plants.

Best regards: to Sr. Adair Camponogara (vineyard owner) and Citropack (company supply of the networks against attack of birds).

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